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Thank you for your interest to join Feeds 2.0. We are currently open for private BETA users only. We will notify you by email when this service will be available for you to use.

Our automated system will send out login information. This is why, without a proper and valid email address, you will not receive these instructions. Note that all fields denoted with an asterisk are required.

We only ask for a short amount of information so that we may better serve you. We do NOT share this information with anyone else. Please, fill in the form carefully with the correct data:

* Fields denoted with an asterisk are required!

Privacy notice: Feeds 2.0 will only use your email address to give you updates about service availabillity. No spam ever, promise!

How do I start?

Sign up for a beta account.

Feeds 2.0 is


. We're currently in private beta with plans for a public beta soon.

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